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Privacy Policy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


In accordance with the EU GDPR law, I am required to hold some personal data.

When you supply your personal details during your initial consultation or your follow up treatments, this information is stored on individual files in a secure cabinet on the premises and any emails received are stored on my password protected computer.

I am the only person who has access to your records and emails.


I will never share your information with any third parties who do not have a legal right of access, without your written consent.


You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold, although you do not own your clinical records. Should you wish to access this information, you can do this by emailing me and I will aim to respond to this request within one calendar month.


I have a legal requirement to retain your records for 8 years, after which time they are destroyed.


By consenting to undergo treatment, you are also agreeing to the requirements of this privacy policy, which is in line with the standards expected by The British Acupuncture Council and the General Data Protection Act (GDPR).


Your information is held for the following reasons: to maintain accurate contact details and for matters relating to your medical care. It also enables me to provide you with the most effective and safe treatment plan. 


If you have any concerns regards to this policy, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


By booking an appointment with me you are agreeing to this policy and to me holding your data.

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